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30% off weekday stays until April 24th! Use code WINTERWANDER to book.

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Massage Treatments

Treat yourself to a little pampering from the comfort of your cabin with a massage treatments in partnership with local RMTs. To book, please inquire at


30 minute massage ($120 + HST)
45 minute massage ($140 + HST)
60 minute massage ($190 + HST)
75 minute massage ($200 + HST)
90 minute massage ($220 + HST)

Couples treatments are not available at this time.
Services will be back-to-back if booking for more than one person.

Insurance receipt available upon request.

Booking and cancellation policy:
We require 72 hour notice for massages.
If cancelled within 24 hours of the treatment, 50% of fees will be charged.
If a last-minute treatment was booked within the 72 hour notice, guest will be charged for the full fees if cancelled.

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